The Big Tech Investigation Lab received around 100 distinguished applications from all over Latin America, and we have selected 12 professionals that will participate in our five-day, high-level training course on how to better cover technology, to be held in 12-16 August, in Nosara, Costa Rica.

Here is the list of selected journalists.

Name Organization Country
Ana Prieto AFP Argentina
Bruno Barros Fonseca Agência Pública de Jornalismo Investigativo Brazil
Daniela Dib Arguelles Rest of World Mexico
Francisca Skoknic LaBot Chile
Julia Noemy Gavarrete Pineda Divergentes El Salvador
Laís Martins Intercept Brasil Brazil
Laura Martins IT Forum Brazil
Liliana Pérez Elósegui Verificado Mexico
Lucas Marchesini Palma Folha de São Paulo Brazil
Monica Almeida Portal Primicias ( Ecuador
Sandra Crucianelli Infobae Argentina
Victor Hugo da Paz Silva g1/Globo Brazil

Ana Prieto

Agence France-Presse – Argentina

Ana Prieto is a Digital Investigation Editor for the Spanish-language service of Agence France-Presse (AFP) and a trainer in fact-checking, a field she has specialized in since 2017. With over 20 years of journalism experience, she has reported on disinformation, international affairs and culture for various publications across Argentina and Latin America. Ana is also a consultant for the International Journalists' Network (IJNet), a project of the International Center for Journalists (ICFJ). She lives in Buenos Aires.

Bruno Barros Fonseca

Agência Pública de Jornalismo Investigativo – Brazil

Editor-in-chief at Agência Pública, has been a journalist for over ten years. He holds both a master's and a bachelor's degree in Communication from the Federal University of Minas Gerais. As a reporter, he primarily works on data-driven investigations, politics, and access to information. He has a certification in Data Storytelling from Insper and completed a multimedia journalism course with Thomson Reuters. At Agência Pública, his work has been awarded in the Petrobrás Journalism Award, Vladimir Herzog Award, República Award, MPT Journalism Award, among others.

Daniela Dib

Rest of World – Mexico

Latin American reporter at Rest of World. She previously worked as a business reporter for Whitepaper,  editor at startup-focused website Contxto, and deputy editor at Fortune en Español. Before becoming a journalist, she created and managed an insights division at Endeavor México.

Francisca Skoknic

La Bot – Chile

Editor and a co-creator of LaBot, a journalism platform that started as a news chatbot. She was recently a fellow at the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism at the University of Oxford. Francisca was the director of the Diego Portales University's journalism school and prior to that was the deputy director of CIPER, a Chilean center for investigative journalism. Before joining CIPER she worked for several publications in Chile covering politics, economics and social issues.

Julia Gavarrete

Divergentes – El Salvador / Nicaragua

Julia Gavarrete is a Salvadoran journalist specialized in political issues, migration and human rights. Gavarrete won the prestigious Ortega y Gasset 2023 award for “Best Story" for her piece “Una familia que no debe nada huye del Régimen de Excepcion” (A Family with nothing to hide flees from the State of Emergency). She was a part of the El Faro newsroom and has also worked as a producer for several investigation carried on by foreigner media. Her work has been featured by CNN, The Intercept, Univisión and USA today. She took part in “Las Niñas Suicidas de El Salvador” (Girls are killing themselves in El Salvador), a piece that received an Emmy in 2020. In 2019, her name was featured in list “Las 19 mujeres que están marcando el futuro del periodismo” (19 Women Shaping the Future of Journalism) by the International Women’s Media Foundation (IWMF). Her journalism has also been recognized by the Seattle International Foundation (SIF). Gavarrete was also an IWMF Fellow,  and also a fellow of The International Center for Journalism (ICFJ) and the Reporter Ohne Grenzen (Reporters Without Borders - RSF).

Laís Martins

The Intercept - Brazil

Brazilian journalist based in São Paulo, whose work focuses on technology, politics, human rights and its intersections. She is currently a reporter at The Intercept Brazil and she has published articles in both Brazilian and international media outlets, including The New York Times, The Associated Press and others. She was a fellow at the Pulitzer Center, working on a project about how the Bolsonaro government's firearms policy impacted Brazilian women, and more recently at Rest of World, investigating the intersection of labor and technology in Latin America. Laís holds a Bachelor in Journalism from the Pontifical University of São Paulo and a Master's degree in Political Communication from the University of Amsterdam and Aarhus University. 

Laura Martins

IT Forum – Brazil

Laura Martins is a journalist with over ten years of experience covering technology. As the editor of IT Forum, the largest B2B technology site in Brazil, she was awarded the 4th most admired technology journalist in Brazil by the "Os +Admirados da Imprensa de Tecnologia 2022" and has contributed as a fellow to The Verge in New York.

Liliana Pérez Elósegui

Verificado - Mexico

Journalist with over 25 years of experience in print, radio, and TV. Co-founder and Editor-in-Chief of Verificado MX, Mexico's first media outlet dedicated to fact-checking and combating misinformation. Specialized in verification and public discourse analysis from the Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas and Google News Lab. Speaker and workshop facilitator on verification, human rights, and misinformation. Coordinator of the Northeast State Journalists Network. Part of the first cohort of the JournalismAI Academy for Small Newsrooms and fellow of the International Women’s Media Foundation.

Lucas Marchesini

Folha de Sao Paulo - Brazil

​Investigative journalist at the Brasilia bureau of Folha de S. Paulo with 12 years of experience. Prior to Folha, he worked at Valor Econômico and Metrópoles. He has a MsC in Computational and Data Journalism at Cardiff University.

Monica Almeida

Portal Primicias – Ecuador

Ecuadorian independent journalist with more than 35 years of experience. She was the Quito bureau chief of El Universo newspaper and later the chief of its Investigative Unit. She came back to Ecuador in 1997 after working some years for Agence France Presse and other publications in Paris. Monica is a fellow of the Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard University. As a member of the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ), she participated in the series Panama Papers, Pandora Papers and Bribery Division. She has co authored  two books about the Ecuadorian president Rafael Correa (20017-2017): El séptimo Rafael and La revolución malograda. With the Centro Latinoamericano de Investigación Periodística (CLIP), she has participated in the series: Migrantes de otro mundo and El negocio de la represión.

Sandra Crucianelli

Infobae – Argentina

Investigative journalist, specialized in data journalism. Data Unit Coordinator al Infobae (2018 at present). The topics of her work as an investigative journalist cover transparency, tax evasion, money laundering, financing of political parties, control of public spending and budgets. Member of ICIJ (International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, Washington, USA)

Victor Hugo

g1/Globo – Brazil

Victor Hugo Silva is a tech reporter since 2015. Today, he writes about big techs, innovation and electronics at g1, Brazilian news website. Before, he wrote about tech for Tecnoblog and iG and worked as a front-end developer.